Skyrocket Advertising ROI With the Funnel Head Start

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Ecommerce Funnel—Limited Time Offer: Get Your FREE Funnel Audit Today!

Are High Costs and Complex Customer Journeys Holding You Back?

We get it. Scaling an ecommerce business is no walk in the park. You're juggling high customer acquisition costs, inconsistent ROI, and the labyrinthine complexity of ecommerce funnels. But what if we told you that there's a way to simplify this chaos and maximize your gains?
Enter Data Head Start—a solution meticulously crafted to bridge this chasm, enabling brands to personalize customer journeys with precision, eliminate guesswork, and ensure that every interaction is strategically aligned to resonate, engage, and convert.

Your Step-By-Step Process to Profit and Scale

Funnel Head Start is a specialized service designed for ecommerce founders like you. We provide a comprehensive, step-by-step approach—from a funnel audit, and marketing strategy to the full execution and campaign management. Let us handle the intricate details, so you can focus on scaling your business to new heights.

Advanced Data Analytics Tailored for E-commerce

Spot inefficiencies in real-time, improve customer satisfaction, and maximize your profits across multiple platforms. Whether you want you want to increase your campaign performance or optimize your customer lifetime value, we've got you covered.

Reach Peak Efficiency with Rapid Experimentation

Most ecommerce businesses could be more efficient, and many fail to take rapid action. Start by defining your optimal state with a comprehensive funnel audit and tailored data strategy. Align your acquisition costs with actual product margins and iterate rigorously with our rapid experimentation framework until you reach your goals.

Real-Time Monitoring for Unmatched Results

Head Start's Funnel Dashboards constantly update, providing real-time insight into your ecommerce funnel’s performance. In an ever-changing market, staying one step ahead is the key, and we make it happen for you.

Next-Generation Ecommerce Management

Years of experience in the ecommerce sector has led us to create the Funnel Head Start. In a world increasingly driven by data, our service uses state-of-the-art technology to ensure you're always at the forefront of ecommerce optimization.

The Funnel Head Start Methodology

Our 5-step process to scale any ecommerce business.
1. Funnel Audit

First, we audit your existing sales funnel to identify bottlenecks and opportunities. This audit guides our tailored strategy for your unique needs.

2. Omni-Channel Data Infrastructure

To craft your data-driven growth strategy, we set up a data infrastructure that integrates with your store. Combining data from every customer touchpoint for informed decision-making.

3. Implementation & Optimization

In one month, we deploy our strategy, and use A/B testing to continuously refine. From landing pages to ad copies, we make data-backed changes until we reach our KPI's and are ready to scale.

5. Controlled, Profitable Growth

Once we refined your funnel, and reach the kpi's we need for scalability of your business, it's time to step it up and increase volumes. With the Funnel Head Start, you grow your business in a controlled, and profitable manner.

Solving Bottlenecks For Scale in North-American Market

Email Marketing
Landing Page Development

Goal: Achieve a media spend of $1M while maintaning specified profitability targets.

Context: With their flagship product, the PhotoStick Omni, ThePhotoStick was intensifying its media purchasing ventures, targeting expansion across North America.

Despite rising revenue, funnel profitability became the constraining factor in augmenting the media budget.

Solution: A two-tiered approach was taken to address primary concerns at both the top and bottom of the funnel. For the top: we crafted a specialized landing page with Google Ads campaign that preemptively sold the product by highlighting its benefits and countering potential objections. At the bottom: we integrated a complementary email funnel, amplifying conversion-driven interactions by 200%.

Results: • Achieved a 30% increase in conversion rates.
• Met the objective of 1M in media expenditure by the year's end.

Box Offer Distribution on the Search Network


Goal: Amplify search advertising while preserving profitability.

Context: Owing to imprecise tracking and intricate webshop infrastructure, previous media buying efforts on the search network had been unprofitable. The rollout of new campaigns was intended to facilitate growth while retaining a profitable trajectory.

Challenge: Imprecise tracking and an unconventional webshop design hindered the setup of traditional shopping funnels.

Solution: We amalgamated search and performance max campaigns centered on pivotal offers and memberships.

• Scaled the account to 30K within three months.
• Maintained a RoAS of 3.4 at scale.

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A Data-Driven Strategy for Capturing Search Intent


Goal: Expand the Urban Sports Gamification app by capitalizing on their existing infrastructure.

Context: With a stellar product and strong ties to influential market players, CityLegends was poised for growth. Advancing to the next phase required an infrastructure to bolster their ongoing advertising campaigns.

Challenge: While social media platforms yielded good results, web traffic remained an elusive area, with advertising efforts yet to achieve scalability.

Solution: We implemented an SEO strategy tailored to specific locations and disciplines, drawing on their established authority. An omni-channel dashboard was set up to provide real-time data on content outreach, performance, and conversion across all platforms.

• Recognized potential access to over 3.5M in pertinent search traffic under the new framework.
• Unearthed overlooked conversion opportunities, leading to a 5-fold increase in website-to-app download conversions.

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An Online Proposition for Untapped Insurance Segments


Goal: Implement a direct-to-consumer strategy to facilitate uninsured clientele with specialized legal services.

Context: In the insurance vertical, underwriting during crises—akin to insuring a blazing property—is often eschewed. ARAG identified an opportunity within this neglected market segment of clients requiring urgent legal counsel.

Challenge: Seamlessly integrate an offering for the uninsured demographic without eroding the perceived value and equity of ARAG's primary insurance products.

Solution: Leverage a platform-as-a-service model where uninsured clients can engage with certified paralegals via a real-time chat interface. For deeper engagements, ARAG offers a tiered legal assistance model at a preferential rate.

Key Insight: Post-service engagement metrics showed a heightened propensity for these clients to transition into ARAG's insurance ecosystem.

Immediate results in the search funnel KPIs.
• 30K conversions registered within the initial monthly cycle.

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Optimization in the Health & Beauty Industry

UX Research

Goal: Strategize a SEA campaign targeting a RoAS benchmark of 3.

Context: Sequential monthly reports indicated diminishing profitability, despite budget escalations.

Challenge: The prevailing SEM account structure exhibited inefficiencies, thwarting granular optimization efforts.

Solution: Deployed an amalgamated campaign strategy across search, PLA, and max-performance channels, with a spotlight on

• RoAS back to 3 within first month
• Increased search profits by 50%

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Let's answer some FAQ's

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions
What exactly is Funnel Head Start?
Who is Funnel Head Start for?
What does the Funnel Audit entail?
How do you ensure data security with your Omni-Channel Data Infrastructure?
How much does the Funnel Head Start service cost?
How long does it take to see results with the Funnel Head Start methodology?
What is the "rapid experimentation framework"?
Can I access the backend myself?

Plan your free Google Ads performance audit

Take the first step now and schedule a free Google Ads audit through a Free online xall. This will help you identify the inefficiencies in your account, and provide you with a clear optimization plan to increase your Google Ads revenue by at least 25% in the next quarter.

Take action now and take the next step towards $100K in MRR!
Only 5 seats left for this month! Don't miss out on this opportunity to increase your e-commerce revenue by 25% in the next quarter.